Our Solutions

Our tailor-made training and communication programmes transform behaviour, driving employee engagement and customer satisfaction.

Customer Centricity

Customer Service

Frontline Service: The Human Touch

Customer Experience

Employee-Led CX Success

Sales Training

The Human2Human Sales Experience

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)

DEI Matters

Respect for All

Disability Awareness

Breaking Barriers

DEI Consultancy & Audits

Managing Change

CM, PM & CI* Essentials

The Complete Change Skills Collection

Employee Change Champions

The Change Network Advantage


CPC Training for Bus Drivers

Driving Force: CPC

Training Programme for Supervisors & Managers

Driving Force: Influencer

EQ & Personality

Psychometric Profiling

NEO-PI Personality Assessment

Big Five Training Programme
  1. The Big Five Self-Analysis
  2. Exploring EQ
  3. Big Five Sub-Traits & Strengths
  4. Finding the Five in Your Team
  5. Using the Big Five to Thrive

Communication Skills

Communication Essentials

A Better Conversation

Challenging Conversations

Staging the Conversation

Conflict Management

Conflict Control


Behavioural Safety: Leaders

Safety First Leader

Behavioural Safety: Managers

Safety First Influencers

Behavioural Safety: All

Safety First Together

Training & Facilitation

Training & Facilitation Skills Programme

The Trainer Transformation

Train the Trainer

Training Your Trainers to Deliver