16 Sep 2024
Mini board with post its promoting adapting a new mindset and positive results

At Understood, we believe in the power of growth. Our training programmes are built on the belief that growth and development are key to success. One of the most compelling ideas that supports this belief comes from psychologist Carol Dweck’s book, Mindset. Dweck explains that how we view our…

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12 Sep 2024
An inclusive, welcoming classroom with simple visuals and clear design, supporting accessible learning

In today’s diverse world, inclusive writing has become essential, not just for DEI training, but for effective communication in every sector. By making our language accessible to everyone—regardless of background, ability, or experience—we create a more welcoming environment. In this guide, Understood is here to help you with some…

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09 Sep 2024
A person in a wheelchair waits at a train platform near the doors, highlighting mobility challenges in public transport systems

Transport accessibility remains a major issue in the UK, particularly for passengers with disabilities, who regularly encounter difficulties that affect their dignity and safety. Recent news highlights how dire this problem is. Disabled passengers across the country face unreliable support, broken infrastructure, and poor accessibility policies that make everyday journeys…

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03 Sep 2024
Behind-the-scenes shot of a video production crew filming a woman sitting in the backseat of a car while talking on the phone, with professional camera and microphone equipment visible.

We’re delighted to have Ben Hancock, Commercial Director of Pulse Studio, back for another guest post. At Understood, we know how Pulse Studio’s expertise in video production can turn corporate training into an engaging experience. In this post, Ben explores different styles of training videos and how to choose…

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