14 Apr 2024

The other day, a visit to the hairdresser got me thinking about customer experience and the value of our time. It made me question: How should companies handle situations where a customer is dissatisfied with their product or service? Is a refund or a redo enough to compensate for…

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22 Sep 2023

Distraction is something we all wrestle with – even the most motivated among us. It can strike during a conversation, leaving you adrift in thought…or when you sit down to tackle an essential task, only to find yourself lost in hours of internet scrolling. In “Stolen Focus,” Johann Hari…

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02 Aug 2023

Would you like to learn how to regulate your emotions? Well, it’s a skill that can be learned with practice. Inspired by Leonard Mlodinow’s book Emotional: How Feelings Shape Our Thinking, it starts with understanding how to accept, reframe, and express your feelings.  Step 1: ACCEPT Accept your circumstances. Focus on…

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19 Dec 2022

In the workplace, there’s a clear-cut difference between ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ skills. Hard skills are the technical, tangible ones: knowing a foreign language, graphic design, bookkeeping etc. Soft skills are abilities that combine interpersonal strengths, common sense, personality and people skills. Although harder to define, measure, quantify, and assess,…

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21 Oct 2022

Where do your suppliers rank in your customer experience pecking order? Do they receive the same level of TLC as you shower upon those who purchase your products/services? Do you respond to their emails as promptly and politely as you would to an email sent to you by your…

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28 Sep 2022

Welcome back to our three-part series on communication. In our last blog post, we talked about how our poor conversational habits (e.g. judging, sending solutions and avoidance) can create communication ‘roadblocks’.  This time, we’ll discuss how you can improve communication by using active and reflective listening. Let’s dive into…

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20 May 2022

What are the skills and characteristics of a fantastic customer service employee? What does it take to survive and thrive in the role? It’s certainly not an easy gig – dealing with an increasingly demanding public, day in, day out. But it’s a role that’s valuable and highly rewarding…

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10 Dec 2021

In our previous two blog posts we looked at the power of habits. We now understand why we’re creatures of habit and how habits can play a significant role in shaping organisational culture. In both articles we looked at Charles Duhigg’s habit loop involving the cue, the routine and…

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20 Nov 2021

The power of a crisis The global pandemic has created turmoil for many organisations. Undoubtedly, this is one of the most challenging periods in recent history. But it also presents an opportunity – crises can actually be valuable.  “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste,” said…

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27 Oct 2021

‘All our life, so far as it has definite form, is but a mass of habits.’ – William James, 1892 Our habits are fascinating. Even more so, when times are uncertain and ever-changing.  In the Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg defines habits as: “The choices that all of us deliberately…

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