21 Feb 2022

We’re all obsessed with changing behaviour. Whether it’s at a personal, individual level (e.g. making a New Year’s resolution stick) or at an organisational level (encouraging the right behaviours in our employees).  Changing behaviour is all about changing habits, according to James Clear, author of bestselling book ‘Atomic Habits‘. …

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08 Jun 2021

Are the employees in your organisation ‘emotionally aware’? If they aren’t, then it’s time for a bit of an emotional education.  Professor Marc Brackett, a leading expert in emotional intelligence, explains: ‘Our emotions are an important source of information about what’s going on inside us’. From an evolutionary perspective, emotions…

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07 May 2021

 Organisations that elevate the human experience will be better positioned to create more meaningful connections, foster loyalty, and drive growth. – Deloitte There’s never been a more critical time for organisations to focus on human connection. In this era of turbulence and uncertainty, organisations must step up to the…

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