05 May 2024
A frustrated woman covers her ears, surrounded by confusing business jargon, highlighting the blog's focus on the need for clearer workplace communication.

The business world’s equivalent of nails on a chalkboard We’ve all been there—stuck in a meeting where someone suggests we “drill down” on a topic or “take a deep dive.” And don’t even get me started on “ping me an email” or “let’s unpack that.” These terms may have…

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15 Apr 2024

When creating a great customer experience, how much consideration do you give to the five senses? Do you think about sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste? Each sense offers many opportunities to delight your customers… In a previous blog post, we shared ten top tips for creating great customer…

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18 Feb 2024

The other day, a visit to the hairdresser got me thinking about customer experience and the value of our time. It made me question: How should companies handle situations where a customer is dissatisfied with their product or service? Is a refund or a redo enough to compensate for…

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17 Jul 2023

In a world driven by technology and automation, it’s easy to overlook the human element in customer service. But exceptional customer experience goes beyond mere transactions; it’s about creating meaningful connections with our customers. By understanding and embracing the essence of being human, we can elevate customer experience to…

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21 Oct 2022

Where do your suppliers rank in your customer experience pecking order? Do they receive the same level of TLC as you shower upon those who purchase your products/services? Do you respond to their emails as promptly and politely as you would to an email sent to you by your…

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22 Jun 2022

How often have you stopped to consider equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in public transport? Did you know that in the 1960s people of colour weren’t allowed to drive buses? And as recently as the 1990s, buses and trains weren’t accessible to people with disabilities? In this article, we…

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20 May 2022

What are the skills and characteristics of a fantastic customer service employee? What does it take to survive and thrive in the role? It’s certainly not an easy gig – dealing with an increasingly demanding public, day in, day out. But it’s a role that’s valuable and highly rewarding…

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14 Apr 2022

If you’re looking to create a great experience for your customers, it’s well worth looking at the principles laid out in Matt Watkinson’s bestseller The Ten Principles Behind Geat Customer Experiences. Watkinson states that if you want to create a great customer experience, you need to: Reflect the customer’s…

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25 Mar 2022

If you want to change your life, you have to change your behaviour. And if you want to change the culture of your organisation, you have to change the behaviour of your employees. But how do you create the right conditions for the right behaviours to thrive and survive?…

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21 Feb 2022

We’re all obsessed with changing behaviour. Whether it’s at a personal, individual level (e.g. making a New Year’s resolution stick) or at an organisational level (encouraging the right behaviours in our employees).  Changing behaviour is all about changing habits, according to James Clear, author of bestselling book ‘Atomic Habits‘. …

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