09 Aug 2021

Even before we knew what a ‘lockdown’ was, people were talking about loneliness. In 2019, before the world was hit by the global pandemic, there were reports of a loneliness epidemic. In 2019, almost half of adults surveyed by YouGov reported feeling lonely at least a few times a…

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03 Aug 2021

When you think of sales or selling, what’s the first word that comes to mind? Daniel Pink, author of To Sell is Human, surveyed a bunch of people to find out. And the emotional response was overwhelmingly negative. Words like ‘pushy’, ‘smarmy’, ‘aggressive’, ‘ugh’ and ‘yuck’ featured heavily. This…

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07 May 2021

 Organisations that elevate the human experience will be better positioned to create more meaningful connections, foster loyalty, and drive growth. – Deloitte There’s never been a more critical time for organisations to focus on human connection. In this era of turbulence and uncertainty, organisations must step up to the…

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16 Jan 2021

“To truly facilitate learning for others, trainers must understand their learners.” – Elaine Biech, The Art & Science of Training When it comes to training, having a firm grasp of the subject matter is essential. But you can’t effectively impart knowledge without understanding who your learners are and what…

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10 Dec 2020

This month we launched a ‘A Valuable Force’. This seven-hour training course is part of our Driving Force CPC programme for bus drivers – a unique and engaging series of five driver CPC courses which tackle the issues that shape the customer and the driver experience. We delivered the…

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07 Feb 2020

We’ve been inspired by a recent conversation with Roy A. Barnes, Customer Experience guru from Blue Space Consulting. His book Customer Experience 365 shares 365 nuggets of wisdom for delivering better customer service; that’s one for each day of the year.  It’s all about consistency, according to Barnes. You need…

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01 Nov 2019

At the recent UK Bus Awards it was an absolute pleasure to be on the same table as the legendary Keith Thomas – one of the UK’s top bus drivers. Keith’s story is quite incredible, which is why we chose to feature him in this month’s blog post. Here’s…

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01 Oct 2019

Why do we make bad decisions even when we know we shouldn’t? Psychologist Dan Ariely shares a fascinating perspective on behaviour change in this recent TED Talk.  Ariely explains that there are lots of things that we know we should be doing but we don’t do, e.g. exercising, eating…

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01 Jul 2019

“I define vulnerability as uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure.” (Brené Brown) As a customer you can often feel vulnerable. To fulfil our basic (and advanced) human needs, we’re dependent on many products and services (e.g. food, travel, electricity etc.). And if our experience as a customer is stressful, we…

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01 Mar 2019

Customer-centricity is a buzzword. Companies often boast that they put the customer first; they insist that the customer is at the heart of every decision that they make. It’s a bold claim for an organisation to make and would probably not stand up to the test if interrogated further….

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