“The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.”
- Ken Blanchard
Tick List

The What & The Why

Managers and supervisors can – and will – influence how successful their teams are, when it comes to the quality of service they deliver to the customer.

Our Critical Connections Core programme will equip your front-line employees with the skills they need to excel in their roles. But to promote long-lasting behavioural change, those who influence them must play their part.

The Critical Connections Influencer programme is a challenging and inspiring four-part training programme for those who manage and lead the front-line. The contents complement and build on key topics covered in the Critical Connections Core programme.

The result? Your managers and supervisors will have the skills and confidence to thrive in their roles. And their teams (and the customer) will feel the difference.


The Verdict

"The training was excellent in terms of personal development, in gaining knowledge and understanding to assist my role."
- Attendee
"Lots of great ideas provided. Even after the first part of the workshop, I was able to think about implementing ways to reward my team members and put into action."
- Attendee
"Taught me to be more aware and a better communicator and listener."
- Attendee