01 Jun 2019

How values can shape the destiny of an organisation

“In order to solve any problem or achieve any dream, we must first make a change at the level of belief. Because when you change a belief, you change everything.” (Marie Forleo)

Values are the fundamental beliefs that guide or motivate us; they determine:

  • What’s important to us
  • The personal qualities we embody 
  • The sort of person we want to be
  • How we treat ourselves and others
  • Our interaction with the world around us
  • Our actions

Our values and beliefs influence our thoughts and feelings, which in turn influence our behaviours, and shape our destiny (or our organisation’s destiny). See below:

At an organisational level, values are critical. They provide general guidelines for conduct. If we model and communicate our company values in the correct way, our employees will act and behave “on brand”. They will reflect the impression we want to give our customers. And if we embody our values internally, our workplace will be a more harmonious one. 

Check out our values at Understood. We really do apply them to how we think, feel and behave. And we believe that they help us to deliver positive results on every project!

In our next blog post, we’ll share eight energising ways of inspiring your employees to embody your values.